
My world, the handmade jewelry


Being in USA, Ann Arbor, Mi, for almost three years , I have the opportunity to learn for myself how to create and make handmade jewelry like: brooch, earrings, necklaces, rings , hair pearls decorations and tiaras. It is just like a "bug" for me. Sometimes I dream my jewelries, and, in the morning I just make a project, drawing what I "have seen" in my dream. Some of my creations are made just like this. Some others, were inspired by daily activities or by Nature. When it happen to "see" something, I am staring at something, just thinking for a while to my subject and trying to "visualize" my future creation. Alternatives from what I want, appear in my mind, until I have finish my project. This process continues, depending of the complexity of the project, from 10 minutes till half a year... Then, I start collecting materials, and, once everything is ready, I start creating my future "baby". I'm so restless, even it is for a short time or a long one.  And  I try not making something else until my jewelry is ready...
In fact, all my life I loved the beauties. I remember that it was delivered to my mom from Hungary , different fashion and comics magazines, where I've found interesting things. Growing up, when it happened to go in Budapest, Hungary with my family or in Cluj Napoca, Romania,as a student, I always had been in the Art Galleries to see the latest beautiful things. So, I had had a nice background for my latest part of my life, in handmade jewelry...
But,I want to show you some of my creations...



My jewelry name is ALDENN! Everywhere you see this signature, you can find my own jewelry!
For more necklaces, bracelets, brooches and other things, visit:
http:aldennbiju.blogspot.com, or

Thank you! 


Absolvire Eastern Michigan University

"Duminica asta pe 27 Aprilie are loc ceremonia mea de absolvire a facultatii! Ma puteti vedea pe webcastul facultatii la urmatoarea adresa: 
Ora: 9:10 am in USA / ora 16:10 in Romania"
zicea Cristian, după ce a constatat că nu avem șanse niciunul să participăm.
First steps
 Ca surpriza să fie și mai mare șeful de promoție (Magna Cum Laude) a fost un student născut în Romînia a cărui tată a emigrat în SUA cu 20 $ în buzunar. Eu cheltuisem deja acei dolari pe avion, iar cei care cică erau pe cardul BCR nu erau. După vre-o trei ani m-am întors cu baba în Cugir, da asta e altă dandana. Oricum, realizarea e a lui personală, bucurie cât cuprinde...

dar și o doză de îngrijorare. Nu îți este indiferent să cobori din vârful lanțului alimentar la baza lui. În primii doi ani a urmat clasele de marketing, la acea dată școala era clasificată cam a doua în lume la această disciplină, a și lucrat marketing pentru Ford. Printre activitățile din frăția studențească a fost și un test de abilități care a reliefat aptitudinile pentru chimie. Folosisem și eu testul pentru laborante, vopsirea tricourilor pe zone. A cotinuat cu clasele de chimie organică și în cercetare cu două comunicări științifice în Asociația Chimiștilor Americani.

Vreau să prind și steagul !

Deci, Bachelor of Science, Chimist pentru cei de pe aici, secundar marketing. Ypsilanti este partea boemă celui mai mic oraș mare, Ann Arbor. Are la intrare un turn de apă în formă de falus care se va dărâma când va absolvi vre-o studentă virgină. EMU , recunoscută pentru excelență, diversitate și dedicată educației aplicate, are mai mulți studenți decât are Cugirul locuitori. Îmbogățește viața prin integrarea într-o comunitate suportivă, dinamică intelectual și diversă. Este o instituție a oportunității, unde studenții învață în clasă și nu numai să beneficieze de comunitățile locale și globale. Pesonal am rămas cu o puternică impresie văzând la lucru un robot bibliotecar cum am vrut o dată să fac și eu.
Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor, un oraș unde în interiorul centurii de autostrăzi locuiesc arborigenii, dincolo restul lumii, a căzut economic de vre-o 14 ori până acum. De fiecare dată s-a ridicat promovând industrii de vîrf, de fapt scoala din zonă e extraordinară și e motorul dezvoltării. Aici va lucra, la Cayman Chemical, ca stagiar. Misiunea companiei este de a face cercetarea posibilă la un preț rezonabil.
Baftă !


Isme... românești

Personal, ca șef de promoție al celei mai bune școli politehnice din partea asta de lume, la vremea ei , desigur, am luat atunci o decizie ciudată. Consecința faptului că doamna Feldman m-a trecut la Economie Politică - Socialismul, mi-a spus-o direct la examen, eu nu fac politică. Mai puneți deasupra și francofobia generată de femeia inventată de Vadim (regizorul), femeie care ca arătare mai era cum era da cum deschidea gura aia ca o găleată de pompieri în care și-or clătit sculele câteva plutoane de jandarmi, ai în față imaginea BB de să nu-i iei nuca din mână.

Image representing iPhone as depicted in Crunc...
Image via CrunchBase

Decizia a fost corectă, avea la bază de fapt, totala lipsă de bun simț a politicianului, extrem de benefică personal pentru domnia sa, pe alocuri mortală, dar care în cazul unei persoane care manevrează procese sau mașini mari este instantaneu mortală. Ca urmare am trăit eu suficient ca să mă procopsesc cu un diabet, da am eperiență de lucru pe trei continente. Școala aceia mi-a dat  ce aveam nevoie pentru a supravețui în lumea în care evoluez.
Vă rugăm să ne scuzați, nu producem cât furați, este expresia afișată, da interpretată aici sub forma nu putem. Năpraznica nesimțire dezvoltată de societatea vorbăreță de limbă românească, absolut necesară militarilor pentru a activa instinctul de ucigaș, nu reprezintă decât procentul de militarizare a spectrului politic. Eronat este percepută ca o continuare a tradițiilor socialiste, societate în care se poate impune celor care lucrează un comportament militar, așa cum Apple a procedat în China când a lansat în producție IPhone. Aci a apărut o ciudată funcționare a sistemului politic, ceva de tipul cunoscut ca ... gunoi introduci, gunoi obții. Mai degrabă este vorba de refuzul tinerilor de a efectua munci de robot. Uite o formă de deflație pe care economiștii a toate cunoscători n-au luat-o în calcul.
Enhanced by Zemanta


Economic strategy

Recession kill "just in time" strategy. The bottlenecks will ask for new strategy in supply chain. Any war in our history was won by the part with best supply chain management on land. Now is over the ocean !

in reference to:

"Shipping, air cargo and trucking companies scaled back capacity and cut prices sharply as sales slowed in the recession. As demand has picked up this year, carriers' capacity has not kept pace,"
- Growing shipping bottlenecks delay deliveries to retailers - USATODAY.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

Growing shipping bottlenecks delay deliveries to retailers

By Paul Davidson, USA TODAY

Shipping bottlenecks within and outside the U.S. are delaying deliveries of everything from steel and grain to consumer products. The snags have affected retailers, distributors and manufacturers, and boosted transportation costs as much as 150%.
Shipping, air cargo and trucking companies scaled back capacity and cut prices sharply as sales slowed in the recession. As demand has picked up this year, carriers' capacity has not kept pace, says Rosalyn Wilson, a transportation consultant and author of a recent logistics report sponsored by the transportation services company Penske.
 Also, ships have been running at slower speeds to save fuel, effectively cutting capacity.
Recession kill "just in time" strategy. The bottlenecks will ask for new strategy in supply chain. Any war in our history was won by the part with best supply chain management on land. Now is over the ocean !


network's marketing: Social Media Optimization vs. Social Media Marketing

network's marketing: Social Media Optimization vs. Social Media Marketing

If there is one thing we will be seeing a lot more of this year, it is the Web widget. You may already be familiar with desktop widgets from Apple, Yahoo, Google, and Microsoft (which calls them Gadgets). These are the tiny applications that bring in all sorts of data from the Web to your desktop (like weather, headlines, Flickr photos) without you having to open up your browser. But these tend to just clutter up your desktop until you shut them down and go back to your browser, which is open all the time anyway.
The more important kind of widgets are those that let you take data from one Website and embed them into another. Sometimes these are called Web badges or snippets, but they let you remix the Web to your liking by adding, say, a customized search box to your blog, a YouTube video to your MySpace page, or create a whole page of widgets on NetVibes by pulling in your Gmail, favorite RSS feeds, and photos from around the Web. If you use TypePad, there is a whole gallery of widgets you can add to your blog, including your linkroll or a one-click video chatting button.
The reason Web widgets are important is because they are the most concrete manifestation of something else that is happening. The Web is splintering. Centralized portals don't matter anymore in an era when Google and Digg will filter the ever-changing Web for you much more efficiently. Or you can filter it yourself with a few well-chosen widgets, and bring it to your own particular corner of the Web.
Some are already calling 2007 the -year of the widget. But ever since Websites started opening up their innards a few years ago and giving away their data through open APIs any programmer could access, the widgetization of the Web was already on its way. Now, nearly anyone can grab a widget and slap it onto their blog, NetVibes or MySpace page.
But as more mainstream Web surfers catch on to the widget craze, what will that do to the economics of the Web? What does that do to pageviews if Websites no longer control the pages where their content is viewed? As VC Fred Wilson puts it:
The big reason that 2007 will mark the end of page views is that pages are not really pages anymore. They are the delivery payload for any number of web services that load with the page.
With widgets will come ad buttons and sponsored marketing messages gussied up as content. In an attempt to break through the clutter, advertisers will be creating even more of it. Widget startups will spring up that not only disseminate information to an atomized Web, but use their widgets to gather information as well in order to recentralize and repackage it. While the center may not hold, new centers will arise from the ashes of the old.


Sexist Realities

Noonan says he was surprised by the sexist realities of Maltby's screenplay. "I thought I knew Beatrix Potter," he says. "But when I read the script, I was amazed that I knew nothing at all of her life. . . . If she had been a male writer and had had this kind of dramatic life story and had had such a range of achievements in her life, I would imagine that we would all know that story. It would be part of what we know about literature."
Those achievements include donating 4,000 acres in the Lake District to a British nonprofit, the National Trust, including 58 farms Potter bought to save from development. Noonan says, "That sort of individual conservation -- I suppose there are examples in the modern world -- but it was such a pioneering thing to do."
A biopic with animated watercolor animals ("That's just me," Noonan says), "Miss Potter" begins when a company agrees to publish Potter's "The Tale of Peter Rabbit." Potter and novice publisher Norman Warne (Ewan McGregor) fall in love, and their tragic affair is the film's focus, but it is Norman's sister, Millie, who becomes Potter's lifelong friend and confidante.

A woman with characterer-

the fungi:
"She developed a theory of how mushrooms and other fungi reproduced, which she presented to the main scientific organization in Britain at the turn of the century, and her paper was rejected because she was a woman," Noonan says. In 1997, Noonan says, the Linnaean Society "issued a posthumous apology to her because it was groundbreaking research, and they said they erred; they made a mistake."
Screenwriter Maltby had whittled down those aspects of Potter's life, focusing the story on her relationship with Norman, with Millie figuring prominently. Noonan says: "My feeling is, with a life as complex as this, you're translating a whole lot of information into a popular medium, and you have to say, 'What is the core of this that people will really relate to?' And my feeling is that the central story of her life, from a popular, relatable point of view, was this tragic love affair." He adds bluntly, "The rest of it is very fascinating and interesting, but I believe in films that are reasonably short."
That comment reflects something at the core of Noonan's work, as well as Potter's. Watson says about the director: "He's got a very interesting sensibility. You look at 'Babe'; the tone of it is very light and dark and weird and funny. . . . You trust somebody like that with a film like this."
Noonan says: "There's a lot of darkness to 'Babe.' When I think about it, to open the film with your main character's mother being carted off to be slaughtered is not a cutesy way of opening a film for kids. But nobody complained that it was too dark or horrific. I think people just respond to it because it's the real world."
Likewise, Noonan says: "I think the reason for [Potter's] popularity over 100 years is because her stories tell life like it is. There's a story ['The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck'] that includes a duck and a fox. The reality is that foxes eat ducks, and that is in her story. There's also the reality that humans eat rabbits, and there's a reference to Peter Rabbit's father being eaten by Farmer McGregor in her story. She didn't sort of dress it up in" -- he pauses -- "well, she dressed her characters up in human clothes, but she didn't dress the world that she presented up in romanticized, untrue notions of what the world was like. She was much more upfront about the world."
Watson agrees: "I think that's why [her stories] appeal to children, because they're slightly scary and weird; they're not patronizing. It's a dog-eat-dog world out there. It ain't all fluffy bunnies, know what I mean?"